Make Money Selling Merchandise
Why the feck did I include this?
Well, because I am OCDing all over the joint and want to make this list uber complete.
This passive income strategy may not be the finest.
Unless you have a super popular blog or a blog that speaks to the heart of reader’s identity, eg a blog on Buddhism by a guru, eg political satire blog, eg an irreverent blog on old vintage cars etc, your readers are pretty much never going to say “Hey I want to walk around with your blog’s name plastered on my back”.
With all that said, there are other things you can put on merchandise apart from your name/logo; eg quotes your niche would find inspiring or hilarious, graphic designs to do with your niche etc.
And hey, it ain’t too hard to whack up a design or two on Café Press, and just add that to your blog.
Why not?!
At least I’ll quit shooting this idea down then.
PS I’ve had a think about this idea more over lunch, and I think I may have failed to realize how many blogs fall into the “speaks to the heart” category. I remember reading Corbett Barr of Think Traffic for example, saying how they made a couple hundred dollars from selling posters of their Expert Enough manifesto. So I guess the circle is quite wide.
Heck even someone like Arseblog (a guy who writes about the English soccer team, Arsenal), makes a fair decent amount of passive income selling his humorously designed Arsenal t-shirts. Go for it!!