How No Meat Athlete Makes Money
Very similar to Nerd Fitness, in the sense that Matt has taken a very broad niche – running – and niched down based on target audience, in this case marathon running vegos!
For a while last year I was training for a marathon fuelled 90% by plants and you can imagine my instant attraction to this site as a result. Which brings up a bigggg point! If you niche down a topic (running to marathons) and a target audience (runners to vego runners) you create a site that people who fall into that sub-niche fall in love with. A site they identify with. A site where they don’t need any convincing – they’ll bookmark it, sign up to your email list and even read 10 articles on their first pass!! Why? You are speaking to their very heart.
The information is oh so freaking relevant. I remember my experience with NMA was that I landed, read for 1 hour, came back to it the next day and bought the ebook. Boom. Most sites see a 10-30 day trust building cycle, in order to convert people from first time visitors into purchasers/tribesman. I was joining up for this tribe within 24 hours. I’d hazard a guess that Steve Kamb over at Nerd Fitness experiences something similar, as would so many niched up minimalist bloggers (eg minimalism for families) for example. So ideate on all that goodness for a bit. How does NMA generate passive income?
Obviously he has the ebook-cum-online course, which includes training plan, marathon guide, meal plans and other great resources like worksheets and checklists, plus mp3s (for perceived value boost). It sells for $37, which is pretty cheap. I could have seen this going for $69 given the niche within a niche nature of his site. Even with a drop in sales, the increase profit should be a net plus. But I haven’t experimented/split test with this site and this audience, so I have no idea to be fair.
But what Matt also sells is merchandise. If you read the 43 Best Passive Income Streams & Opportunities article you’ll know I said merchandise is strictly for blogs/websites that have strong beliefs which resonate with a certain type of audience, eg a soccer blog on Arsenal, a political blog etc.
Well, No Meat Athlete fits this perfectly. Trust me, vego marathoners are a rabbid one-eyes bunch with strong shared values and no one loves telling the worl who they are moreso than a vego, let alone a marathoner haha. So it shouldn’t surprise you that NMA sells tshirts etc for people with the logo/brand on it. Apart from info product and ecommerce, NMA also has affiliate links, for example a link to Leo Babauta’s Simple Fitness Habit ecourse. Nice.
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